Press Releases

Launch of the Annual Report of the Press Council of Ireland and the Office of the Press Ombudsman 2008

Posted on: 31-Mar-2009
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This is a significant occasion for the Press Council of Ireland as it reports on its first full year of operation.

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Launch of Annual Report 2008

Posted on: 31-Mar-2009
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The function of an Ombudsman is, I am sure, well enough understood in the Ireland of today for it not torequire anything substantial by way of explanation here. This Annual Report, however, is significant not only because it is the first of its kind and outlines our activities during the first year of operation, but because it also indicates clearly the parameters within which I as Press Ombudsman work.

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Address by Professor John Horgan to Annual General Meeting of Samaritans

Posted on: 01-Mar-2009
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There is a growing realization of the signifi cance, and seeming intractability, of suicide as a social problem in the Ireland of today. Just before Christmas, the Press Council of Ireland published, as a discussion document, the outcome of a public consultation it had held, with the cooperation of all its member publications, on the topic of Suicide and the Press. It is a calm and measured document, with many good ideas both for journalists and for those affected by suicide or working in the field of suicide prevention, and is available on our website.

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Address by Professor John Horgan to Journalism Society UCC

Posted on: 19-Feb-2009
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“The past does not exist. There are only infi nite renderings of it”Ryszard Kapuscinski Travels with Herodotus

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Address by Professor John Horgan to Opening of Journalism Student Newsroom at University of Limerick

Posted on: 29-Jan-2009
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“Current Issues in Journalism”

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Address by Dave O'Connell at public meeting "Suicide and the Press"

Posted on: 03-Dec-2008
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Address by Dave O’Connell, Group Editor of the Connacht Tribune, at the Press Council’s conference on media coverage of suicide in Portlaoise on December 3rd 2008

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Address by Dr John Connolly at public meeting "Suicide and the Press"

Posted on: 03-Dec-2008
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Address by Patrick OConnor at public meeting "Suicide and the Press"

Posted on: 03-Dec-2008
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Press Council meeting on Suicide Reporting in the Press

Posted on: 03-Dec-2008
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A discussion document on issues connected with the reporting of suicide in the press will be the focus of a meeting being organised by the Press Council of Ireland in the Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise, on Wednesday December 3rd at 8.00 pm.

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Address by Professor John Horgan at launch of "Memoir" by Tim Pat Coogan

Posted on: 30-Sep-2008
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The launch of a memoir by one of the better known Irish newspaper editors of the twentieth century is,among other things, an occasion to refl ect not only on the past of our newspapers, but on their future.

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