Decided by the Press Ombudsman

1712/2023 – Ms Denise Breen and

By: admin
Posted on: 11-Apr-2024
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The Press Council of Ireland has upheld in part an appeal received from on a decision by the Press Ombudsman to uphold a complaint about an article it published.  

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1713/2023 – A Family and the Sunday World

By: admin
Posted on: 11-Apr-2024
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The Press Council or Ireland has upheld an appeal from the editor of the Sunday World on a decision of the Press Ombudsman to uphold a complaint made by a family under Principle 1 and Principle 5 of the Press Council’s Code of Practice.

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1704/2024 - SAOL Project and the Sunday Independent

By: admin
Posted on: 13-Mar-2024
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The Press Council of Ireland overturned a decision of the Press Ombudsman to uphold a complaint by SAOL Project that an article published by the  Sunday Independent breached the Press Council’s Code of Practice.

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1768/2024 - Dr Harry Browne and The Irish Times

By: admin
Posted on: 27-Feb-2024
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The Press Ombudsman has decided not to uphold a complaint made by Dr Harry Browne about an article published in The Irish Times, in print and online, in October 2023.  The article is an opinion piece by one of the publication’s regular columnists. It contains the assertion that “those embracing the social media free for all are facilitating the shutting down of real debate”. This is followed by a short account of the postponement/cancellation of a panel discussion by a student society at a Dublin university. The event was to have been held earlier that week.

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1664/2023 - A Man and the Irish Examiner

By: admin
Posted on: 27-Feb-2024
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On 21 November 2023 the Press Ombudsman decided not to uphold a complaint made by a man about two articles published in the Irish Examiner, in print and online.

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1738/2023 - A Man and the Sligo Champion

By: admin
Posted on: 27-Feb-2024
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On 23 November 2023 the Press Ombudsman decided not to uphold a complaint made by a man about an article in the Sligo Champion, in print and online, published in October 2023. The article is a report about the rejection of a planning application by Sligo County Council.  The complainant stated that he believed it to be in breach of Principle 3 (Fair Procedures and Honesty) of the Press Council’s Code of Practice. 

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1709/2023 - A Person and

By: admin
Posted on: 27-Feb-2024
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The Press Council of Ireland overturned a decision of the Press Ombudsman to uphold a complaint by a person that  breached Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) of the Press Council’s Code of Practice.

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1665/2023 - A Man and The Echo

By: admin
Posted on: 19-Feb-2024
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On 21 November 2023 the Press Ombudsman decided not to uphold a complaint made by a man about two articles published in The Echo, in print and online.

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1740/2023 - A Woman and the Anglo Celt

By: admin
Posted on: 13-Feb-2024
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The Press Ombudsman has decided not to uphold a complaint made by a woman about an article published in the Anglo Celt in October 2023.  The article is about protests against the proposed use by the Department of Integration of a building sited in a rural area for the accommodation of asylum seekers. It states that the Department has paused the plan pending further engagement “with interested parties”.  The article quotes statements made during a debate on a motion citing the “unsuitability” of the site at a meeting of Cavan County Council.

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1739/2024 - Headline and

By: admin
Posted on: 08-Dec-2023
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The Press Council of Ireland has overturned a decision of the Press Ombudsman not to uphold a complaint by Headline that the breached Principle 10 (Reporting of Suicide) of the Press Council’s Code of Practice.

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